
Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago. This system has faith in the maintenance of health of a healthy person through its emphasis on natural lifestyle. Due to this demand, NIOS has developed a stand alone course i.e. Yoga assistant. Yoga assistants take a stand for the yoga learners in need of support in particular movement during Yoga and ensures that the safe space that is created within the yoga practice is upheld throughout the session. Since the declaration of 21st june as a International day of Yoga by united nations general assembly (UNGA), Yoga has got worldwide attention. This is led to more demand for skill based person in the field.

Medium of Instruction

Hindi or English

Entry Level

10th pass

Course Duration

One Year

Essential Course Duration

240 Hours

Course Fee

Rs. 3000/-

Course Components
S.No Title of Component Essential Contact Hrs
Theory Practical
1 Yoga assistant 80 160
Scheme of Examination
S.No Name of the subject / Modules Time (in hrs.) Marks Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical Internal Assessment
1 Yoga assistant(667) 1.5 3 30 70 - 100
Passing Criteria
S.No Name of the subject Certification criteria (percentage)
Theory Practical Internal Assessment Aggregate in each paper module
1 Yoga assistant (667) 50 50 - -